Monday, October 29, 2007

Environmental- sub contractor

Taylor Kennedy hesitates in the middle of removing ceramic tile on Thursday to give the camera a glance. He is a sub-contractor with Chris' Custom Tile, and has been for three years.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Walmart Monsters

I thought this photo would be appropriate since Halloween is right around the corner. I took this one last year around this time. I was wandering around Wal-Mart and took a few photos of these kids trying on the masks. This was well before this class so I failed to get any names. Sorry Carlos. Photo by Robert Neno.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

More photo illustration examples

Photo Illustration Examples

My lame Ansel Adams wannabe attempt

I shot this inside the KOFA Wildlife area--just in the shadow of Castle Dome mountain early last Saturday. This is shot with my 4 x 5 view camera. Nothing fancy here. I was perched on the side of a small hill with my tripod delicately sitting on some loose rock and 15 pounds of expensive camera sitting on top of that. I did a fair amount of burning and dodging to interpret the scene.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Attn Robert and whoever else...GREAT PHOTO OPP.

Great photo opportunity I think for those with "real" cameras and who like to stay up all night or wake up early.... go to this website for details, you'll probably be able to get some great shots hopefully. Robert, I thought this would be right up your alley!!!!!

here's the site:

Friday, October 19, 2007

Great photo tip

Here's a link to a great photo tip--especially for you guys that only have an on-camera flash:

Thursday, October 18, 2007

AWC Job Fair


While I was waiting for my class to start this afternoon I got a little wet from the sprinklers. Right after that I had to get off the phone with my wife because I saw a chance for some interesting photos. I liked the way the sun was coming through the water, so I took a couple. As I was finishing up the damn sprinklers got me again, but the photo was worth it. I think. Photo by Robert Neno.

graphic patterns

This was my little self-assignment that I did on Tuesday while walking to class, I wanted to see how many graphic-style images I could find walking from my car to the classroom. I had one or two more that were quite mediocre, but I thought I'd put these up just to provide more examples of how and where you can see these patterns emerge.

I don't like that I mostly shot people walking away from the camera. And normally I would have gotten IDs if I had not been carrying all my crap and hurrying to class.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

pumpkin pickin'

The pumpkin patch with human element.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

French hot !!

An international student from French of AWC is getting ready to go for his basketball training on October 3, 2007.

Another Graphic !!!!

This is another graphic picture.
A lady is walking towards the AC building while Bennet Leung is walking after taking his parcel from the post office on October 15, 2007.

Drowning in Txts

Bennet's Graphic

Lili Fan, student worker of the AWC Academic library, is shelf reading on October 15, 2007

LuLu's Graphic

Bennet Leung, current AWC student, is walking towards the AC Building in AWC Campus on October 15, 2007.


More fun pics from this weekend of my granddaughter, Kyra, fascinated by her own reflection.

Some interesting extras

These are just some extras I had ... but weren't my final choice...

Jesus a.k.a. Peekachoo

More leg....

Assignment....with a little leg

Julia Lopez, 19, adds a little leg to the graphic element of her easel as she sketches outside for Prof. Blomquists' Drawing I class on Monday, Oct. 15, 2007.
Julia has been torn with her major as she may study Architecture or Art Education, however a career as a Rockette could be in her future as well.

So I didn't exactly get the assignment but here are some pictures with graphic elements along with the ones underneath.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Computer Graphics Lab

Ivan Aburto works on a project for his graphic communications class in the T4 computer lab. Ivan is a freshman at AWC who is majoring in Graphic Communications. Photo by Robert Neno

So this assignment....

the blog is having problems with adding images.

Graphic backgrounds

This wasn't my assignment but I couldn't resist- even though some of them are posed- I thought some of the graphics were kind of cool in these taken in Phoenix over the weekend.

Texting On The Road (assignment Western Voice)

Drowning In Texts (Western Voice Assignment)

Drowning In Text


Construction site on AWC's campus, picture taken week of October 7.

Sunday, October 14, 2007