Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A little Mobile flavor.

These are a few photos I took in my hometown of Mobile Alabama. The first is of a Mobile City Police officer, named Sonny, standing on the parade route before the start of a Mardi Gras Parade. He’s enjoying a little snack and after I took it his only concern was to make sure I got the doughnut in the photo. The second is of a member of the Crew of Columbus Mardi Gras organization just before he boarded his float. The third photo is of the crowns of the two towers of the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception located on Claiborne Street. The water in the photo is from a fountain at the end of the courtyard in front. I thought it would make a nice photo to catch the water shooting in between the church and my camera. Just thought I’d post a few photos from home that I liked. Photos by Robert Neno.


hilary said...

I like the police officer.... perfect moment i knew they ate donuts!

Carlos Moreno said...

Oh man. Don't get me started on cops and donuts. I nearly got into a fight with one because he saw me (with cameras) sneaking his way while he was standing near a table of donuts.

I have issues with cops. Issues.