Thursday, September 27, 2007

My first Blog note

well i had a great story written and then it went away. i am almost on the blog, only if i new what i was doing. i need help. will try and post picture and see how it comes out.


1 comment:

Carlos Moreno said...

You're almost there.

There's a button on the window where you typed your message. Right beneath the word "Title:" there's a check mark and this button that looks like a little landscape photo.

Click that button and it will show you a new window that asks you to "choose" a photo. Then you click that choose button and navigate to the picture you want to upload.

Make sure you resize your images before you upload. You want them to be roughly 5 x 7 inches at around 200 dpi.

Only add one photo at a time.

In the box where you typed your message, that's where you type your caption.

Keep plugging along.