Sunday, September 30, 2007

That Darn Neighbor Cat!

Kyra, 13 months, is exhausted by her feline visitor friend on Sunday, Sept.23.


Jackerries said...

I like this photo, I do alot of kids, I like to get at their eye level, you can see and catch their exppressions that level, love the kitty cat, maybe you could crop a little off the far right, just dead concrete there. Just a thought, but I like the story told by this photo.

sara_beara said...

Kristi, I love this pic overall but mostly because the cat looks like my old cat that my ex has. He was the coolest little tabby and the cat here looks exactly like him, the color and patterns and everything. Except my cat is maybe like 15-20 pounds heavier. Definitly a little "Morris Cat"