Friday, August 31, 2007

Arizona Western College's Tomasi Fuller makes the perfect tackle as he takes down Phoenix College's Aazaad Artis during AWC's homecoming game on Saturday at Irv Pallack Field. AWC lost their last game 17-24 but finished with an outstanding season. --Photo By Denisha Sandoval


Carlos Moreno said...

OK. Remember I said I was critiquing my JRN 235 students a little more harshly.

This is a good peak action moment. Timing is good and overall image is quite strong.

However, it is not critically sharp. It is "acceptably" sharp for newsprint--but probably not for magazine reproduction.

Also, the horizon is crooked. These are not little things and some photo editors might consider these as fatal flaws.

I like the overall image. It's powerful and nicely shot and it shows your knowledge of where to be and when to be there--an important element in sports photography.

Robert Neno said...

I like it. I'm going to point out a bit of my lack of as the Marine Corps. would say "attention to detail" and admit I did not notice the horizon was off. I am a bit confused as to why you submitted the photo you did for the "candid" assignment. This one is great. That's why I'm confused. I assume you have a lot of photos better than the one you gave. Just a thought…


Carlos Moreno said...

I think that photo is old and not within the time limit of the assignment.

The caption says "Saturday" as per my guidelines, but that was Saturday of last semester.

Jackerries said...

I like the way you captured both players at the moment of impact, very nice. This photo tells the story.

Jackerries said...
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